"Bee, I'm Expecting You" and "Heart, We Will Forget Him" from Poems of Emily Dickinson by John Duke; with Nino Sanikidze, Pianist; recorded live in recital at the Cleveland Art Song Festival, May 2002 Selections from "Klein Zschocher", "Und dass ihr's alle wisst", and "Ach, es schmeckt doch gar zu gut" from Mehr hahn en neue Oberkeet (Peasant Cantata, BWV 212) by J. S. Bach; recorded live during staged performance with the Washington Bach Consort, Arlington, VA, Feb 2003 Selection from "As When The Dove" from Acis and Galathea by G. F. Handel; Edward Maclary, Conductor; recorded live during staged performance at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, College Park, MD, May 2003